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How To Relieve Excessive Burping? 8 Ways To Consider 2024


Reviewed by Maya Frankfurt, PhD
how to relieve excessive burping
There are certain ways to relieve excessive burping. Photo: Nghi Tran

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Often, you must have heard people talking or debating topics such as the health benefits of ginger, how to remove gas from the stomach, or what to eat when your stomach is upset. But have you taken a keen interest in understanding the basic foundational genesis of such issues and how to best address them when the need arises? Well, as you may know, certain consumables, like hard chocolate or flavored drinks, and behaviors such as overindulgence in alcohol contribute to swallowing excess air.

Burping, also commonly referred to as belching, is a natural bodily function that aids in the expulsion of excess air from the intestinal system. When we consume food or drink, especially when hurried, we inadvertently swallow air. This air, for the most part, is unable to reach the stomach and ends up trapped in the mouth. Interestingly, certain behaviors are known to exacerbate this, such as talking while drinking, or habits like chewing gum.

Individuals engaging in these behaviors may experience a belching[1] reflex even after they’ve finished eating or drinking. In more serious instances, conditions like gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and stomach ulcers, which cause excess stomach acid, may induce excessive belching. These conditions can lead to a cyclical pattern of regurgitation, thereby ingesting more air and promoting further belching. The complex interplay between our dietary habits, lifestyle behaviors, and physical health significantly impacts the frequency and intensity of belching. This article therefore provides you with a comprehensive guide on how to relieve excessive burping.

How To Relieve Excessive Burping?

  • Drink Ginger Tea
  • Mindful Eating
  • Limit Consumption Of Carbonated Drinks
  • Regular Exercise 

How To Relieve Excessive Burping?

Drink Ginger Tea

Drink Ginger Tea
Ginger tea is an effective way to relieve excessive burping. Photo: mnimage/Shutterstock

Drinking ginger tea is a traditional and effective way to relieve excessive burping. Ginger has carminative properties, meaning it can relieve symptoms of gas and bloating in the gastrointestinal tract. By drinking ginger tea, especially after meals, you stimulate digestion and facilitate the movement of food through the digestive tract, thereby reducing the chances of gas formation and excess air getting to your digestive tract. There are additional health benefits of ginger that go beyond reducing excessive burping and keeping your body healthy and fit. 

Mindful Eating

Practicing mindful eating is another effective way to mitigate excessive burping. In most cases, many people do not even know what to eat when their stomach is upset. Eating too quickly can lead to swallowing large amounts of air, which, in turn, results in burping. By eating more slowly, thoroughly chewing your food, and not talking while eating, you can significantly reduce the amount of air you swallow. Additionally, eating smaller meals throughout the day instead of three large meals can prevent your digestive system from being overloaded, which can also contribute to excessive burping. Also, avoid eating too many spicy foods, chewing gum, hard candy, or such foods as dairy products that create gas or may lead to chronic digestive conditions.

Limit Consumption Of Carbonated Drinks

Carbonated beverages, including sodas and fizzy drinks, are filled with carbon dioxide gas. When you consume these beverages, you’re also consuming a significant amount of this gas. Limiting your consumption of carbonated beverages can decrease the amount of gas in your digestive system and thus reduce the frequency of burping.

Regular Exercise

The benefit of regular exercise[2] not only improves your overall health but also aids your digestive system. Physical activity encourages the passage of gas through the digestive tract, thereby reducing bloating and associated burping. Incorporating low-impact exercises like walking or yoga into your daily routine can help maintain a healthy digestive system and mitigate issues of excessive burping.

Causes Of Excessive Burping

Swallowed Air

Swallowed air, also known as aerophagia, is one of the most common causes of excessive burping. This usually occurs when we eat or drink too quickly, talk while eating, or consume carbonated beverages, all of which can cause excess air to enter the stomach. This trapped air then has to escape from the body, which it does so by burping. Chronic gum-chewing and smoking can also lead to more swallowed air. Improving eating habits such as slowing down your eating pace, avoiding talking while eating, and limiting the consumption of carbonated drinks can help reduce the amount of swallowed air, subsequently reducing excessive burping. There are also other useful ways of how to remove gas from the stomach that have proved quite helpful.

Certain Foods And Drinks

Certain foods and drinks are known to produce more gas in the digestive system, leading to excessive burping. Foods such as beans, lentils, broccoli, cabbage, onions, and carbonated beverages are all high in complex carbohydrates that are hard for the body to digest. As these carbohydrates break down in the digestive system, they produce gas which leads to more burping. Alcohol and certain artificial sweeteners can also cause gas and bloating. Monitoring and modifying your diet to limit these types of foods can greatly help in managing excessive burping.

Underlying Health Conditions

Excessive burping can also be a symptom of certain underlying health conditions. For instance, GERD[3] and peptic ulcers can cause excessive burping as stomach acid is regurgitated into the esophagus. Similarly, conditions like lactose intolerance, celiac disease, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)[4] can cause disruptions in the digestive process, leading to increased gas production and subsequently more burping. If excessive burping is accompanied by other symptoms such as abdominal pain, heartburn, changes in bowel habits, or unexplained weight loss, it is essential to consult a healthcare provider to rule out any serious underlying conditions.

Tips To Prevent Excessive Burping

Modify Your Diet

Modify Your Diet
You need to change your diet to prevent excessive burping. Photo: Jacob Lund/Shutterstock

To maintain optimal digestive health and mitigate excessive burping, it is crucial to be mindful of our dietary choices.[5] Carbonated drinks such as soda and bottled water should be avoided as they contain dissolved carbon dioxide gasses. When consumed, these gasses can expand in the stomach, leading to discomfort bloating, and tearing sensations. The same principle applies to the consumption of alcohol, which can also trigger gas formation and contribute to belching.

Chewing candies or gum can also inadvertently lead to excessive burping. This is because the act of chewing encourages more frequent swallowing, often leading us to ingest more air than usual. This surplus air accumulates in the stomach and then exits as a burp.

Our diet’s composition also plays a significant role. Foods high in sugar and certain types of starches can lead to increased gas production during digestion. An example is the complex sugar lactose found in dairy products, which can be especially troublesome for those with lactose intolerance. The inability to efficiently digest lactose often leads to excessive gas, bloating, and consequently, burping.

Finally, certain foods are known to exacerbate heartburn condition which is often linked with excessive burping. These can include fried or fatty foods, spicy meals, or even certain types of fruit, such as citrus or tomatoes. Avoiding these heartburn-inducing foods can help reduce burping and contribute to overall digestive comfort. It is important to eat and drink responsibly to avoid swallowing excess air, reduce gas production, and prevent digestive and kidney diseases. A proper diet is a great step toward understanding how to treat excessive burping by taking simple steps such as avoiding chewing gum and limiting cigarette smoke in your body.

Make A Few Lifestyle Changes

Lifestyle modifications can significantly reduce instances of excessive burping. A primary example is the cessation of cigarette smoking. This is because while smoking, the air is inadvertently swallowed, contributing to an increase in gas within the stomach and subsequently leading to burping. Smoking cessation is no easy task, and it often requires a carefully curated plan, sometimes necessitating professional medical assistance to effectively overcome the addiction.

Another useful change is to ensure the proper fitting of dentures. Dentures that do not fit correctly can lead to increased air swallowing during eating, which, like smoking, contributes to excessive burping. Therefore, regularly checking with a dental professional to ensure the optimal fit of dentures can alleviate this issue. Furthermore, managing stress is integral. High levels of stress can lead to conditions such as heartburn and hyperventilation, which in turn can exacerbate burping.

Engaging in stress management activities such as yoga, mindfulness, or even just taking a quiet moment for oneself can prove beneficial. Finally, utilizing nasal solutions like saline sprays or decongestants can help alleviate nasal congestion. This is important as nasal congestion often leads to mouth breathing, which can increase the amount of swallowed air.


In conclusion, excessive burping can be effectively managed by understanding its causes and adopting dietary and lifestyle changes. These include mindful eating, staying hydrated, avoiding gas-causing and carbonated foods, and incorporating natural remedies like ginger tea. However, each individual’s response may vary, and persistent symptoms may indicate a more serious underlying health issue. 

If burping continues to be excessive or is accompanied by other concerning symptoms, it is crucial to consult a healthcare professional. Ultimately, maintaining digestive comfort and well-being involves a balance of awareness, proactive self-management, and professional medical guidance.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does it mean when you burp excessively?

Excessive burping occurs due mainly to food and drink consumption. Gastronomic reflex syndrome (GERD) can also be caused by behavioral problems like airphagic belching and supra-gastric bloating.

How do you get rid of excessive burping?

Take your meals and drinks slowly to have a lower chance of swallowing air. Avoid foods such as potatoes, beans, and dairy. Then this is a form of a document that is used by a person to create a new image. Avoid alcoholic beverages and beer. Do not chew gum. Please, no more smoking. Go for a  walk before consuming food.

How do you get rid of gas immediately by burping?

Get air in the throat by sucking air into your mouth and closing your mouth with your tongue to allow the air out slowly. Hopefully, there will be some burping.

+ 5 Sources

EHproject has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. We work mostly with peer-reviewed studies to ensure accurate information. We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy.

  1. Mohammadali Zad and Arjan Bredenoord (2020). Chronic Burping and Belching. [online] 18(1), pp.33–42. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s11938-020-00276-0.
  2. Surdea-Blaga, T., Popa, S., David, L., MihaelaFadgyas Stanculete, Alina Monica Picos, DanL Dumitrascu, Chiarioni, G., Abdulrahman Ismaiel and DinuI Dumitrascu (2022). Supragastric belching: Pathogenesis, diagnostic issues and treatment. [online] 28(3), pp.168–168. doi:https://doi.org/10.4103/sjg.sjg_405_21.
  3. Clarrett, D.M. and Hachem, C. (2018). Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). Missouri medicine, [online] 115(3), pp.214–218. Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6140167/.
  4. Chey, W.D., Kurlander, J.E. and Eswaran, S. (2015). Irritable Bowel Syndrome. [online] 313(9), pp.949–949. doi:https://doi.org/10.1001/jama.2015.0954.
  5. Chhabra, P. and Nishikant Ingole (2022). Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD): Highlighting Diagnosis, Treatment, and Lifestyle Changes. [online] doi:https://doi.org/10.7759/cureus.28563.