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9 Facial Exercises To Lose Face Fat You Can Do At Home 2024

facial exercises to lose face fat
Reducing face fat can be done with simple facial exercises that strengthen and tone facial muscles. Photo: Krakenimages.com/Shutterstock

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It’s not uncommon for fat to develop in the face, especially as a result of aging and overall weight gain. Like any other fat loss, attention to diet and lifestyle is crucial, along with targeted exercise, specifically facial exercises to lose face fat.

Face yoga is a series of meditative and strategic stretches, poses, and exercises that help tone facial muscles and remove fat. This practice has become more popular recently, due to the various exercise offerings and the convenience of being done at home. This article will cover some of the best facial exercises to get rid of face fat.

Best Facial Exercises For Face Fat

To lose fat on any area of the body, including the face, you must target that area with exercise. To lose fat, try exercises such as:

  • The Brow-Raiser.
  • The Cheekbone Lift.
  • The Chipmunk Cheek Squeeze.
  • The Chin Lock.
  • The Fish Face.
  • The Jaw Flex.
  • The Lion Face.
  • The Neck Roll. 
  • Blowing Air.

Best Facial Exercises To Lose Face Fat

Now that you know that facial exercises play an integral role in reducing face fat, you probably want to know what facial exercises are to lose face fat. Let’s explore some specific exercises in detail so that you can learn these techniques and practice them on your own at home. Below are nine suggested facial exercises to lose face fat fast:

The Brow-Raiser

The Brow-Raiser is a simple yet effective facial exercise that targets the muscles around your eyebrows and forehead. This exercise is designed to strengthen and tone these muscles, helping to improve the appearance of your brow area and potentially reduce the signs of aging, such as sagging or drooping brows.

How to do:

  1. Open your eyes wide.
  2. Place the heels of your palms on the outer sides of your eyebrows.
  3. Press firmly and hold for 20-30 seconds.
  4. Keep the forehead as relaxed as possible, to not encourage wrinkles.
  5. After 20-30 seconds, release the hands from the eyebrows, take a deep breath, and repeat two more times.


  • Maintain good posture while sitting or standing, and place your fingers gently on your eyebrows. Slowly raise your eyebrows as high as possible while keeping your eyes open.
  • To see results in reducing face fat, perform the Brow-Raiser exercise at least 4-5 times a week. Consistency in your routine will help tone and strengthen the muscles in your forehead and reduce fat in your face.
  • To maximize the effectiveness of this exercise, pair it with cardiovascular workouts like running or cycling. Aim for at least 30 minutes of cardio, 3-4 times a week, to help burn overall body fat and reveal a slimmer face.

Optimal Sets and Reps: three sets of 15 to 20 reps

The Cheekbone Lift

This exercise is a fantastic way to enhance the appearance of your cheekbones and promote a youthful, sculpted look to your face. By targeting the muscles around your cheeks and promoting circulation in the area, this exercise can help reduce puffiness, tone your cheeks, and potentially alleviate the appearance of sagging skin.

How to do:

  1. Smile while keeping your lips gently together.
  2. Think about stretching the smile from side to side, rather than from top to bottom. The cheekbones will naturally lift (you should feel the muscles tighten). 
  3. Keep stretching the smile with a closed mouth until the cheekbones cannot go any higher.
  4. Hold this position for 20-30 seconds, release, then repeat.


  • Sit straight with relaxed shoulders, and gently place your index fingers on your cheekbones. Apply slight upward pressure as you smile widely, feeling your cheek muscles engage.
  • As your cheek muscles get stronger, increase the resistance by applying slightly more pressure with your fingers during the exercise. Gradually progressing the resistance can help tone and define your cheekbones more effectively.
  • To see the best results in reducing face fat, complement the Cheekbone Lift exercise with a balanced diet that includes whole foods, lean proteins, and plenty of water. Reducing overall body fat through nutrition can further enhance the sculpted look of your face.

Optimal Sets and Reps: three sets of 15 to 20 reps

The Chipmunk Cheek Squeeze

This exercise is a simple and effective way to strengthen and tone the muscles in your cheeks and jawline. By squeezing your cheeks against the resistance of your own fingers, you can promote circulation and stimulate the targeted muscles.

How to do:

  1. Tilt your head back as far as it will go while pushing your chin out and forward.
  2. While the head is tilted back, squeeze your cheeks in (this will force you to pucker your lips).
  3. Hold for a few seconds. Release the cheeks and bring your head back to the center.


  • Start by sitting up straight and placing your fingers on your cheeks, near your cheekbones. Apply gentle pressure as you smile as wide as you can, feeling the resistance from your fingers.
  • Perform the Chipmunk Cheek Squeeze exercise slowly and with control. Focus on squeezing your cheek muscles with each repetition, holding for a few seconds before releasing.
  • Face fat reduction takes time, so be consistent with this exercise.

Optimal Sets and Reps: three sets of 15 to 20 reps

The Chin Lock 

This exercise focuses on toning the muscles in the front of the neck and under the chin, helping to reduce the appearance of double chins and enhance facial contours.

How to do:

  1. Sitting or standing up straight, lower your chin down to the top of your sternum.
  2. The key is to lower the chin down while keeping the chest up straight.
  3. Hold the chin down for 20-30 seconds, then lift the chin back to center.


  • Sit up straight or stand tall with your shoulders relaxed. Tilt your head back slightly and press your tongue against the roof of your mouth to engage the chin muscles effectively during exercise.
  • Start with gentle pressure and gradually increase it as your chin muscles become stronger. Consistency in applying pressure and increasing resistance over time will yield better results.
  • Pair it with cardiovascular workouts like jogging or brisk walking. Aim for 30 minutes of cardio, 3-4 times a week, to help reduce overall body fat and contribute to a slimmer face.

Optimal Sets and Reps: three sets of 15 to 20 reps

The Fish Face

This exercise is a fun and effective way to work on your facial muscles and promote a toned, youthful appearance. By creating a fish-like expression and holding it, you engage various facial muscles, which can contribute to a more sculpted look over time.

How to do:

  1. Similar to the chipmunk cheek squeeze, pucker your lips like a fish by squeezing your cheeks inward, then try to smile.
  2. Keep your head facing forward.
  3. Hold for 20-30 seconds, and repeat.


  • Focus on feeling the tension in your cheek and jaw muscles. This will help maximize the effectiveness of the exercise for toning and losing face fat.
  • Ensure proper form by keeping your lips relaxed and avoiding any unnecessary tension in your neck and shoulders during the exercise.
  • For best results, incorporate the Fish Face exercise into your daily routine and combine it with a balanced diet and cardio exercises to reduce overall body fat.

Optimal Sets and Reps: three sets of 20 to 25 reps

The Jaw Flex

This exercise is a straightforward yet effective technique to enhance your facial aesthetics and reduce tension in the jaw area. By gently flexing your jaw with controlled movements, you can release tension and potentially achieve a more sculpted appearance in your lower face.

How to do:

  1. Jaw flexes, also called chin lifts, can help define the jawline.
  2. While sitting or standing, push the chin out, then tilt your head back.
  3. While staring up, raise the lower lip up and try to kiss the sky.
  4. Hold this position for 10 seconds, release and relax, then repeat.


  • Gently move your lower jaw up and down, as if you’re chewing gum, keeping your lips closed. Aim for a slow and controlled motion to engage the facial muscles effectively.
  • While performing the Jaw Flex exercise, avoid excessive force or strain on your jaw. Focus on maintaining a steady and controlled pace to prevent any discomfort.
  • Maintain good posture while doing this exercise to prevent any strain on your neck or shoulders. Sit or stand up straight with your shoulders relaxed.

Optimal Sets and Reps: three sets of 20 to 25 reps

The Lion Face

The Lion Face exercise is a fun and effective way to reduce facial tension and promote relaxation while toning your facial muscles. This exercise not only helps release stress but can also contribute to a more youthful appearance by engaging the muscles in your face, potentially reducing the signs of sagging and wrinkles.

How to do:

  1. Start by taking a deep, exaggerated breath in and out.
  2. To stretch the bottom part of the face, make an “O” shape with your mouth and increase the stretch by sticking out your tongue.
  3. Then, engage the muscles at the top of the face by looking up toward the ceiling.
  4. Hold this pose for 10 seconds. 


  • Start by sitting or standing with good posture. Place your thumb and index finger on both sides of your jawline, just below your ears, and apply gentle resistance as you open and close your mouth to activate the jaw muscles.
  • Maintain a controlled and slow pace while performing the Jaw Flex exercise to effectively engage the facial muscles without straining them.
  • Gradually increase the reps as your jaw muscles strengthen over time, but be mindful not to overexert yourself.

Optimal Sets and Reps: three sets of 15 to 20 reps

The Neck Roll 

This exercise is an effective way to address tension, improve flexibility, and tone the muscles in your neck and shoulders. By gently rolling your neck in a circular motion, you can release tension and promote relaxation in the neck area.

How to do:

  1. Sit up straight.
  2. Gently tilt your chin down as far as it will comfortably go, then lift your chin back up straight, but only use your neck muscles to initiate these movements.
  3. Do not enlist the help of your chest to let your chin lower and raise.


  • Begin by sitting or standing with good posture, shoulders relaxed. Slowly roll your head in a circular motion, bringing your ear towards your shoulder and then gently moving your head forward, back, and to the other side to activate the neck muscles.
  • Maintain a slow and controlled pace during the Neck Roll exercise to avoid any sudden movements or discomfort in your neck and face.
  • Consistency is key; incorporating this exercise into your routine can help improve muscle tone in your neck and jaw area, which may contribute to reducing face fat over time.

Optimal Sets and Reps: two to three sets of 10 to 15 reps

Blowing Air 

This exercise can help you achieve a more toned and youthful appearance by strengthening these areas. By simulating the motion of blowing out air, you engage and activate these facial muscles, potentially reducing sagging or puffiness.

How to do:

  1. Sit upright and tilt your head back until you can see the ceiling.
  2. With puckered lips, begin to blow out air for ten seconds.
  3. Bring your head back to the center and relax, then repeat.


  • Sit up straight and tilt your head back slightly. Pucker your lips and blow out air as if you’re blowing up a balloon, feeling the muscles in your cheeks and neck engage.
  • Maintain a steady and controlled airflow while doing this exercise to avoid any strain on your throat or neck muscles. Focus on feeling the burn in your cheeks and jawline.
  • Include the Blowing Air exercise in your daily facial workout routine, and combine it with a balanced diet and cardiovascular exercises for overall fat reduction.

Optimal Sets and Reps: three sets of 15 to 20 reps

Other Tips For Face Fat Exercises

To lose face fat fast, including getting rid of a double chin, the nine exercises listed earlier are all good facial exercises to lose face fat. However, these exercises will be even more effective when paired with other elements and practices. Let’s explore some of them:

Use A Facial Oil

Whenever doing facial exercises, especially when the skin is being stretched, it helps to lubricate the skin. Apply a light facial oil on the skin before practicing exercises. This will provide a little moisture and glide to make the skin more flexible. 

You may wish to use a facial oil that has tea tree oil or aloe vera in it, as these compounds have added skin health benefits,[1] such as wound healing properties.


Any workout requires adequate hydration, including facial workouts. Additionally, the skin can become dry if you’re under-hydrated. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to ensure optimal skin health and to assist with fat loss.[2]

Stand Or Sit Up Straight

Most facial exercises should be done either sitting or standing up straight. Set aside a time and space where you can comfortably stand or sit to perform the exercises properly. 

Practice Often

You don’t have to limit yourself to practicing facial exercises once a day. You can practice routinely in the morning or evening as part of your getting ready/winding down routine, while also taking advantage of free time you have during the day to squeeze in these quick and easy exercises.

Stretch Your Face 

You wouldn’t work out your body without stretching[3] first. Same is true for your face. Though many facial exercises incorporate stretching, it’s good to take a minute before starting facial exercises to stretch and massage the face. Stick your tongue out, tilt your head front and back and from side to side, and get blood flowing before you begin.

Practice Anywhere

Unlike body exercise, you don’t need to be in a dedicated space, such as a gym, or use equipment to perform face yoga. You can do it in your car sitting in traffic, at the office, on an airplane, and even while you’re doing yoga!

Don’t Ignore Body Exercises

The face is a part of the body, which is why facial fat can increase or decrease when overall body weight increases or decreases. Fat leaves the body and face more easily when overall body weight is addressed. 

Rather than just focusing on facial exercises, consider exercises that address any and all excess body fat. Results come faster when you take a whole body approach, including learning the best way to debloat fast. Also, facial fat can accumulate with age, so adopting a healthy exercise routine[4] can be beneficial not only for the aging face, but for overall longevity.  

Work With A Professional

Just as there are personal trainers and other exercise professionals, you can work with a face yoga or facial exercise expert to create a tailored exercise routine to match your goals. Having a professional to guide you can keep you accountable to practicing and help you achieve results faster.

Breathe Deeply

During facial exercises, be sure to breathe deeply, as this will help relax the facial muscles and decrease overall stress.[5] Facial exercises are not meant to get your heart rate up. Rather, doing them should be a meditative experience.


Reducing face fat can be done with simple facial exercises that strengthen and tone facial muscles, while smoothing the skin. These practices can be done as part of a morning or evening routine, or while you’re out and about–many are discrete enough to practice in public.

To enhance results and lose facial fat quicker, incorporate other wellness skin routines along with face yoga, such as getting good hydration, using a face oil, focusing on overall weight loss, and stretching your face before each facial exercise.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does facial exercise work?

Yes. Like any exercise which strengthens and tones muscles, facial exercises offer results when practiced consistently.

How long does it take for facial exercises to work?

Some results can be seen immediately. When we massage and stretch the face, we increase blood flow, which can immediately improve the look and feel of the face. Longer-lasting results, however, can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months.

Can I do face exercises everyday?

Yes. In fact, you may see the best results when you practice facial exercises daily.

How can I firm up my face?

Face yoga and other forms of facial exercises, along with a healthy diet, can help firm up the face.

Will I get permanent results from facial exercises?

No. Like any muscle workout, stretching, or attempt to lose excess fat, you will see the most long-lasting results the more regularly you practice the exercise. You will not get permanent results from doing facial exercises once or twice.

+ 4 Sources

EHproject has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. We work mostly with peer-reviewed studies to ensure accurate information. We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy.

  1. Nader Pazyar, Reza Yaghoobi, Esmail Rafiee, Mehrabian, A. and Amir Feily (2014). Skin Wound Healing and Phytomedicine: A Review. Skin Pharmacology and Physiology, [online] 27(6), pp.303–310. doi:https://doi.org/10.1159/000357477.
  2. Thornton, S.N. (2016). Increased Hydration Can Be Associated with Weight Loss. Frontiers in Nutrition, [online] 3. doi:https://doi.org/10.3389/fnut.2016.00018.
  3. Hotta, K., Behnke, B.J., Arjmandi, B.H., Ghosh, P., Chen, B., Brooks, R.W., Maraj, J.J., Elam, M.L., Maher, P., Kurien, D., Churchill, A., Sepulveda, J.L., Kabolowsky, M.B., Christou, D.D. and Muller-Delp, J.M. (2018). Daily muscle stretching enhances blood flow, endothelial function, capillarity, vascular volume and connectivity in aged skeletal muscle. The Journal of Physiology, [online] 596(10), pp.1903–1917. doi:https://doi.org/10.1113/jp275459.
  4. Galloza, J., Castillo, B. and Micheo, W. (2017). Benefits of Exercise in the Older Population. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America, [online] 28(4), pp.659–669. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pmr.2017.06.001.


A health coach specializing in Integrative Nutrition, I approach wellness with a holistic and functional medicine perspective. As a writer, I simplify intricate topics such as nutrition, gut and hormone health, mental well-being, and spiritual health,… See More