How To Lose Thigh Fat In A Week 2024: Effective Exercises To Reduce Thigh Fat & Tone Up


Reviewed by Kathy Shattler, MS, RDN
how to lose thigh fat in a week
Thigh fat loss requires dedication and a holistic approach. Photo: Nghi Tran

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Want to know how to lose thigh fat in just one week? Is it even possible? The truth is, if your genetics predispose you[1] to store fat in that area, you may not see significant changes in such a short time. While exercise and diet can reduce overall body fat, spot-reducing specific regions is impossible without cosmetic interventions.

However, consistent effort over an extended period can enhance muscle tone, minimize body fat, and support healthy weight loss. This will improve the shape of your legs within your genetic potential. Let’s look at some tips and exercises that can help you achieve these goals.

How To Reduce Thigh Fat?

While it is possible to lose thigh fat, it is unlikely to happen in a week. Some effective exercises on how to lose thigh fat fast include:

  • Squats
  • Burpees
  • Lunges
  • Leg lifts
  • Plie Squat Walks

Dietary interventions and calorie tracking can also help speed up weight loss.

How To Lose Thigh Fat In A Week: Five Best Exercises

Achieving a reduction in thigh fat requires dedication and a holistic approach. While exercises and diet tips can set you on the right path, it is essential to remember that significant results may not be immediate. Consistency is key to lasting success, so maintaining a regular exercise routine and adopting healthy eating habits are crucial to losing fat in the long term.

Incorporating weight training into your fitness regimen can be highly beneficial. During weight training sessions,[2] muscle fibers break down and rebuild. This process can utilize fat and reduce overall weight, including in the inner thighs.

High-Intensity Interval Training, also called HIIT, can be incorporated into your routine. HIIT involves performing exercises such as jumping jacks, burpees, squats, and lunges with short recovery periods in between. Known for its effectiveness in burning fat[3] and building strength, HIIT can be valuable when figuring out how to get rid of thigh fat.

To train your thighs and legs specifically and improve their muscle tone,[4] try the following exercises: 


Squats are a highly effective compound exercise that primarily targets the muscles in the lower body, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. 

Squats play a vital role in overall fat loss and body composition improvement. By engaging large muscle groups, they boost metabolism, helping to burn calories and reduce overall body fat. Incorporating squats into your fitness routine can lead to fat loss throughout the body, including the thighs, making it a great exercise to tone the inner and outer thighs.

Squat Guide. Photo: Team Design

How To Do: 

  1. In the starting position, stand straight with your feet hip-width apart.
  2. Bend your knees and lower your hips as if sitting in an imaginary chair. 
  3. Keep your thighs parallel to the floor as much as possible.
  4. Push back up to the original position. 


  • Keep your feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly turned out, and your back straight during squats for proper alignment.
  • Aim to squat until your thighs are parallel to the ground or as low as your mobility allows while maintaining control.
  • Focus on pushing through your heels to engage your glutes and hamstrings effectively.

Optimal Sets And Reps: three sets of 8-10 reps.


Burpees are a dynamic, full-body exercise that engages multiple muscle groups and provides a powerful cardiovascular workout. This exercise works the chest, shoulders, triceps, core, and legs as you perform a combination of a push-up, squat, and explosive jump.

Burpees promote calorie burning and improve muscle tone throughout the body, including the inner thighs.

Burpee Guide. Photo: Team Design

How To Do: 

  1. Start in a standing position.
  2. Drop into a squat. Kick your feet back into a plank position.
  3. Lower your chest to do a push-up.
  4. Return your feet back to the squat position.
  5. Jump up as high as possible.


  • Keep your core engaged and back straight for proper form.
  • Focus on a controlled and powerful jump.
  • Gradually increase both sets and repetitions as you progress.

Optimal Sets And Reps: three sets of 10-15 reps.


Lunges are a versatile lower body exercise that targets and strengthens several major muscle groups, with a primary focus on the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. 

Lunges are an effective way to sculpt and tone the thigh muscles, helping you achieve leaner and more defined legs. They also improve lower body stability, balance, and functional strength, making daily activities easier. Whether you’re aiming for aesthetic goals or enhanced leg strength, lunges are a valuable addition to any lower-body workout.

Lunge Guide. Photo: Team Design

How To Do:

  1. Stand straight.
  2. Take a step forward with your right foot. Lower your body until both your front and back knees are at a 90-degree angle.
  3. Push back up to the starting position and switch legs. 


  • Keep your chest up, shoulders back, and core engaged while performing lunges
  • Avoid letting your front knee extend beyond your toes to protect your knee joint.
  • Focus on pushing off the heel of your front foot to engage your glutes and hamstrings as you return to the starting position. 

Optimal Sets And Reps: three sets of 10-12 reps for each leg.

Leg Lifts

Leg lifts are a targeted lower body exercise that primarily works the muscles of the lower abdomen, specifically the rectus femoris, iliopsoas, and the lower part of the rectus abdominis.

Leg lifts can help in toning the thighs indirectly by strengthening the core and lower abdominal muscles. As these muscles become more defined and firm, they provide better support for the thighs, contributing to an overall sculpted lower body appearance.

Leg Lifts
Leg Lift Guide. Photo: Team Design

How To Do: 

  1. Lie down on your side.
  2. Keep your legs straight. Lift the top leg as high as possible.
  3. Lower it back down slowly.


  • Lie on a flat and supportive surface, like a mat, to perform leg lifts.
  • Lift your legs slowly and with control, keeping them straight and together.
  • Consciously engage your core by drawing your navel toward your spine. 

Optimal Sets And Reps: three sets of 12-15 reps for each leg.

Plie Squat Walks

Plie squat walks are a dynamic lower-body exercise that primarily targets the inner thighs (adductors) while engaging the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. 

Plie squat walks are excellent for toning and sculpting the inner thighs. By repeatedly engaging the adductors in a controlled and dynamic manner, this exercise helps create leaner and more defined thigh muscles. Additionally, it enhances lower body stability, balance, and coordination.

Plie Squat Walks
Plie Squat Walk Guide. Photo: Team Design

How To Do: 

  1. Stand straight with your feet wider than hip-width apart.
  2. Bend your knees and lower your body into a squat. 
  3. While staying in the squat, take a step to the right and then a step to the left. 


  • Begin in a wide, turned-out stance with your toes pointing slightly outward to target the inner thighs.
  • Keep your chest up, shoulders back, and core engaged as you lower into a squat position. 
  • Focus on taking small and controlled steps to engage your inner thighs and glutes effectively.

Optimal Sets And Reps: three sets of 12-15 reps.

Dietary Tips For Fast Weight Loss

If you aim to burn fat fast, some low-calorie diets can help you faster than others. A few of these approaches are not long-term sustainable, and a consistent, balanced diet will always be healthier long term[5] than crash dieting. A healthy diet includes consuming lean meats, vegetables, and whole grains while avoiding processed foods. 

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent fasting can help you lose weight while preserving lean muscle mass. Photo: vetre/Shutterstock

Intermittent fasting has gained popularity as an eating pattern involving regular short-term fasts and restricted eating within a shorter timeframe each day. Numerous studies have demonstrated that intermittent fasting can result in weight loss[6] among overweight individuals.

There are several methods of intermittent fasting, each with its own approach. One approach is alternate-day fasting,[7] which involves fasting every other day and following a regular diet on non-fasting days. Another method is the 5:2 Diet,[8] which involves fasting for two days out of every seven days and limiting calorie intake to 500-600 calories on fasting days. Lastly, the 16/8[9] method entails fasting for 16 hours and restricting eating to an 8-hour window, often from noon to 8 p.m. All methods have been shown to help individuals lose weight while preserving lean muscle mass.

Calorie Tracking

Calorie tracking[10] may be helpful for rapid weight loss by ensuring you consume fewer calories and stay in a calorie deficit. Using a mobile phone calorie tracking app is associated with a significant drop in entire body weight and body mass index compared to those who do not track calories.

Keto Diet

The ketogenic diets are low-carb, high-fat diets that can result in weight loss.[11] For overweight or obese adults, a very low-calorie ketogenic diet improves measurements like weight and heart health without negatively affecting muscle mass and cholesterol levels. However, a regular ketogenic diet reduces body weight and fat loss but also less muscle mass in healthy people. They also found that the ketogenic diet could increase bad cholesterol. This is a concern because elevated bad cholesterol levels can lead to heart disease over time.

Meal Replacement Diets

A fast track to weight loss may be replacing one or two of your daily meals with a meal replacement shake,[12] sometimes paired with a fat burner or other such supplements.

A study explored the effects of replacing dinner with a 388-calorie meal replacement on people who are overweight or obese. Over 12 weeks, the researchers found that the group who used the meal replacement significantly improved their body measurements, like weight, body mass index, waist size, muscle mass, and body fat. They also saw improvements in their blood sugar levels.

Juice Fast

Juice Fast
Juice fasting can lead to fat loss and a lower body mass index. Photo: ViDI Studio/Shutterstock

A juice fast is a popular method for rapid weight loss, often touted as a detox. The diet involves drinking only fresh-pressed or organic juices and avoiding solid foods. While there are potential health benefits to juicing,[13] like a higher intake of vitamins and minerals, it can also be harmful if done in excess and without the consultation of a medical professional.

The limited evidence behind juice fasting does show that it results in fat loss and a lower body mass index. In one study,[14] twenty healthy adults were asked to drink only vegetable/fruit juices for three days and then return to their usual diet for fourteen days. The researchers found that after the juice diet, participants lost weight, and their body mass index decreased. This effect lasted until the end of the study.

Is It Possible To Lose Thigh Fat In One Week?

Losing stubborn thigh fat in one week is possible, but it is unlikely to be a significant amount, requiring quite an extreme caloric deficit. Healthy, long-term weight loss could take several weeks or even months to achieve.

Some cosmetic interventions,[15] such as liposuction, fat freezing, or fat dissolving injections, target thigh fat in a shorter amount of time and have been determined to be relatively safe. Still, these are not recommended for anyone looking to make lifestyle changes for long-term health.


While losing thigh fat is absolutely possible, losing buttocks and excess thigh fat in one or two weeks may not be feasible. Weight loss is a long game; achieving it takes dedication, discipline, and proper eating habits. If you want to lose thigh fat and tone leg muscles, reduce your caloric intake and increase your activity levels. Consistency is key, even if the results take longer than you might hope.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the fastest way to lose thigh fat in a week?

Extreme calorie deficit or cosmetic interventions are the fastest way to lose fat.

How can I lose leg fat in 1 week?

Spot-targeting weight loss is not possible. To lose only leg fat, you would need cosmetic interventions.

What is the best exercise for slim thighs?

Squats and burpees are good exercises for building thigh muscles and assisting tone. They may not slim the thighs, though.

Is it hard to slim thighs?

If you are genetically prone to fat deposits and weight gain in the thighs, it can be hard to slim them.

What do you eat to lose thigh fat in a week?

Entering a calorie deficit is necessary for losing weight. The bigger the deficit, the more likely weight loss will occur. This may require extreme caloric restriction, which is not healthy.

+ 15 Sources

EHproject has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. We work mostly with peer-reviewed studies to ensure accurate information. We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy.

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Sarah completed her Nutrition studies in 2011, followed by a postgraduate in Biology and Health Education. She is passionate about Health Education, and a mental health advocate. She believes that with the right kind of information,… See More