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Are Bananas Good For You? 9 Evidence-Based Health Benefits 2024

Are Bananas Good For You?
Bananas bring considerable health benefits. Photo: Nghi Tran

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In this article, let’s find out the answer to the question: “Are bananas good for you?”; learn more about the health benefits, nutritional information, role of bananas in your diet, and more. 

Bananas grow on trees in tropical land and are consumed and enjoyed by people all over the world, not just in the tropics. Bananas are part of the genus Musa from the Musaceae[1] family, a flowering plant with dozens of other species. Inside the banana’s peel, the soft form of the fruit makes it ideal for eating alone or mashing into baked goods. Plantains are a starchier, rather than sweet, version of bananas and are mostly eaten cooked.

Though bananas are native to tropical climates, they are enjoyed all over the world, not only for their taste but numerous health benefits. 

Are Bananas Good For You?

Yes! Bananas bring considerable health benefits, including:

  • Lower risk of heart disease
  • Decreased blood pressure and reduced risk of stroke
  • A healthy fuel source for workouts
  • Support weight management goals
  • Improve mood and anxiety
  • Promote a healthy gut
  • Full of antioxidants
  • May improve kidney health

Why Are Bananas Good For You?

Lower Risk Of Heart Disease

Bananas are excellent for preventing heart disease. The nutrients in this popular fruit, such as potassium, dietary fiber, and antioxidants are designed to support optimal heart function. Fiber helps to lower LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, and studies have shown that people who have more fiber in their diet tend to have a lower risk of heart disease than those who eat a low-fiber diet.

Decrease Blood Pressure And Reduce The Risk Of Stroke

Potassium is the most commonly associated nutrient with the medium banana, and potassium is imperative for the heart, in particular, for managing and controlling high blood pressure. Just one medium banana offers 126 grams of potassium, which equates to 10% of our daily value. By extension, foods that contain high amounts of potassium lower the risk of stroke. The magnesium in bananas also aids in heart health.

A Healthy Fuel Source For Workouts

Bananas are an ideal pre-workout snack[2] because they offer more energy and endurance during exercise. Carbohydrates are our body’s main fuel source, the building blocks of energy, and since one banana packs in a high amount of carbs along with a decent amount of fiber, it makes for an easy choice. The fiber with the carbs is an important combination because sugar alone can trigger a blood sugar spike, followed by a crash, whereas adding fiber helps to regulate and slow down the sugar’s absorption. Bananas also help cell and muscle recovery, so they’re equally great to eat after a workout.

Support Weight Management Goals

Some don’t consider bananas good for weight management because they’re higher in sugar than other fruits, however, they’re forgetting many important elements. Bananas have numerous benefits when it comes to supporting weight goals. The fiber in bananas helps to maintain satiety, which prevents overeating, as well as stabilizes blood sugar – an essential component of a healthy weight. The sweetness of bananas also helps to satiate sweet cravings, making unhealthy desserts less appealing. Bananas also have a high nutrient value in relation to their calories. And, bananas aid in better sleep and exercise, two non-negotiables for maintaining a healthy weight. 

Improve Mood And Anxiety

Bananas not only boost endurance, they also boost mood. Bananas can influence tryptophan, which in turn boosts our serotonin (the “happy” hormone and neurotransmitter) and improves the quality of our sleep. The B6 in bananas also aids in making (and correctly using) serotonin. Additionally, bananas support mood via the gut-brain axis. Ripe bananas in particular act as resistant starches, or prebiotics, fibers that feed our good bacteria, and our mood is heavily influenced by the state of our gut.

Promote A Healthy Gut

Bananas are one of the easiest foods to digest, often prescribed for a variety of gut disturbances, including diarrhea, bloating, acid reflux, and fodmap intolerance. The pectin in bananas is soothing to the GI tract and the fiber assists in regulating the bowels. The prebiotics (fiber that feeds probiotics) in ripe bananas help to grow a healthy community of bacteria in the gut. These bacteria perform a number of functions beyond the gut, including enhancing immunity, protecting heart health, and boosting brain function – but it starts in the gut.

Full Of Antioxidants

Bananas are packed with antioxidants, compounds that prevent or reduce oxidation in the body, which, if left unchecked, can damage DNA and lead to serious illness. Antioxidants combat the free radicals which can damage cells, and in turn, restore health. Bananas contain flavonoids and amines, two powerful antioxidants. Eating foods high in antioxidants can reduce the oxidative stress burden.

May Improve Kidney Health

Like all organs in the body, the kidneys can benefit from having bananas in the diet. For example, bananas can be beneficial for kidney stones, due to their potassium, vitamin B6, and magnesium. However, for people with damaged kidneys, potassium can build up in the blood to dangerous amounts. Therefore, people with AKD (advanced kidney disease) are advised to avoid bananas.

Ways To Enjoy Bananas

Bananas are one of the most versatile fruits as well as the most convenient. These fresh fruits are easily transportable (they travel well), with a medium-sized banana, you easily add it to Greek yogurt, morning cereal, oatmeal, and smoothies, and can enrich or replace almost any dessert. 

Nutrition Information For Bananas

The nutritional breakdown of a banana is never constant, as the fruit’s macro and micronutrients change as the fruit ripens. However, a medium, ripe banana has high amounts of fiber, manganese, potassium, magnesium, copper, niacin, vitamin B6, and vitamin C. A medium banana also contains 110 calories and has about 28 grams of carbohydrates (which break down into 15 grams of naturally occurring sugar), making it one of the more “sugary” fruits. There are no healthy fats in a banana and only 1 gram of protein.

Bananas In The Diet 

Tips For Serving And Eating

There’s really no wrong way to eat a banana – even the peel has nutrients (though it’s not recommended to eat the peel)! Here are some ways to serve and enjoy bananas:

Freeze unpeeled bananas for later. This prevents them from going bad. You may wish to add frozen sliced bananas to smoothies, banana bread, or other baked goods.

Use frozen bananas to make “nice cream.” Nice cream is ice cream made with frozen bananas instead of milk. Simply add frozen bananas to a blender or food processor and blend until it becomes a creamy consistency. Add in other fruit, a dash of vanilla extract, cinnamon, and other flavors to taste.

Fry sliced bananas for a salty-sweet side dish or snack. Fried plantains are a staple of many cultures. Add slices of banana to a frying pan with healthy oil (try olive or avocado oil) and fry until they turn a little brown and crisp. Pat dry, sprinkle a little sea salt on top, then serve warm or cold.

Helpful tip: Sometimes green bananas are hard to peel if the stem doesn’t break easily. If this is the case, grab the middle of the banana with both hands and twist your hands firmly in opposite directions (for example, right hand forward, left hand back). This will cause the peel to rip in the middle. While the tear will not be at the top of the banana, it will create an opening for you to take the peel off.

Other Banana Products

Bananas can be used to create other products besides banana bread, pancake batter, and smoothies. Even overripe bananas can be turned into banana chips (thinly sliced bananas fried or, preferably baked). They can also be ground into flour, which can be used for baking, or ripe bananas to make banana pasta. 

Risks Of Bananas


Bananas are natural beta blockers - EH
Bananas are natural beta blockers. Photo: james benjamin/Shutterstock

Bananas are natural beta blockers, which, in medication form, work to “block” adrenergic receptors in the heart from getting stimulated (which can increase heart activity). Beta-blockers are used to control heart rhythm and lower blood pressure. This can work well for those who need to reduce their blood pressure. However, if you’re already taking a beta blocker, consult with your physician about whether adding bananas to your diet is right for you.


Many people are allergic to certain foods and bananas can be one of them. As with any allergic reaction, the reaction can range from mildly unpleasant to life-threatening. If you are allergic to bananas, you’ll likely feel itching or swelling in the mouth or throat shortly after ingesting the fruit. It’s always best to avoid any substance you know (or suspect) you have an allergy to.


For people who experience migraines, bananas may be a trigger. This is due to tyramine, an amino acid, in bananas. The riper a banana is, the more tyramine builds up, so sticking with unripe bananas may be a better option. Additionally, studies suggest that the peel of a banana has higher amounts of tyramine than the inside fruit, so any loose “stringy” parts of the banana should be avoided.


Bananas are one of the healthiest fruits to add to almost any diet. They are high in nutritive value,[3] full of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber, conferring great benefits for heart, gut, and brain health. They make for excellent energy sources for workouts, can stabilize blood sugar, improve mood, and help to maintain healthy weight and sleep patterns. Bananas are versatile, easily transportable, and can be added to many dishes. For those with unique health conditions, such as kidney disease, bananas should be avoided – always consult a medical professional.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who are bananas safe for?

Generally, bananas are a healthy food that almost anyone can eat. Only those with serious medical conditions (such as kidney disease, banana allergies, or migraines) should avoid them.

Should bananas be eaten raw or cooked?

Either! Bananas have a ton of nutrients, raw or cooked. Whether you decide to eat them raw or cooked is a matter of preference. Cooking bananas brings out the sweetness, so cooking them can make for great dessert options.

Is it best to eat a banana before or after I exercise?

Bananas are a great snack either before or after a workout. Eating a banana before a workout helps with endurance. The carbs help the body produce more energy. Eating a banana after a workout can help repair muscle and cells. Your personal fitness goals can help you establish whether eating a banana before or after a workout is best for you, but generally, either time has its benefits.

+ 3 Sources

EHproject has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. We work mostly with peer-reviewed studies to ensure accurate information. We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy.

  1. Wandee Inta, Paweena Traiperm, Saroj Ruchisansakun, Janssens, S., Unchera Viboonjun and Sasivimon Swangpol (2023). Evolution and Classification of Musaceae Based on Male Floral Morphology. Plants, [online] 12(8), pp.1602–1602. doi:https://doi.org/10.3390/plants12081602..
  2. Nieman, D.C., Gillitt, N.D., Henson, D.A., Wang, S., R. Andrew Shanely, Knab, A.M., Cialdella-Kam, L. and Jin, F. (2012). Bananas as an Energy Source during Exercise: A Metabolomics Approach. PLOS ONE, [online] 7(5), pp.e37479–e37479. doi:https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0037479.
  3. Usda.gov. (2023). FoodData Central. [online] Available at: https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/173944/nutrients.


A health coach specializing in Integrative Nutrition, I approach wellness with a holistic and functional medicine perspective. As a writer, I simplify intricate topics such as nutrition, gut and hormone health, mental well-being, and spiritual health,… See More