How Long Should I Jump Rope To Lose Belly Fat – Here’s The Expert’s Opinion In 2024

Rachel Rabkin

Reviewed by Kathy Shattler, MS, RDN
how long should i jump rope to lose belly fat
Jumping rope can help you lose fat and attain a flat belly. Photo: lzf/Shutterstock

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What is the secret to eliminating belly fat and living a healthy lifestyle? You can actualize your dream of getting a flat tummy by skipping ropes. The puzzle is, how long should I jump rope to lose belly fat?

The fitness routine required to free abdominal fat by jumping rope may differ among participants. What dictates this gap lies within certain variables like consistency, diet, and fitness level.

Your jump rope challenge may take several weeks to experience remarkable results. If you jump rope every day, you will burn fat in your body, including the belly area.

Let’s explore this fitness journey as you strive to lose belly fat in your exercise routine.

How Long Should People Jump Rope To Get A Flat Belly?

It depends. The time needed to lose belly fat varies depending on nutrition, body weight, and current fitness routine. The best practice is to lose more calories than you consume, called a calorie deficit.

Experts recommend you need at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity exercise, which amounts to 30 minutes per day for five days, to attain your fitness goals. You can build your endurance by beginning with shorter sessions and increasing the frequency, duration, and intensity depending on your fitness level.

Remember, you can combine the jump rope sessions with a healthy diet to boost your goal of flattening your belly.

How Long Should You Jump Rope For Belly Fat Loss?

how long should i jump rope to lose belly fat
Performing body workouts by jumping rope to eliminate belly fat. Photo: Undrey/Shutterstock

Jumping rope helps burn belly fat. But you may ask, how long should I jump rope to lose belly fat? Applying high-intensity effort causes your heart rate to go high, which leads to burning more calories and an after-burn effect post-exercise.

Does a jump rope routine help you lose weight? To attain a flat stomach, you can jump rope to burn more calories than you consume. If you are jumping rope to lose weight, set a realistic goal. You can set a decent weight-loss goal of losing at least a pound of fat weekly by creating a calorie deficit of 500 calories per day.

Does Jumping Rope Burn Fat?

Belly exercises focus on the abdominal muscles that work nonstop while balancing and maintaining appropriate posture while jumping the rope. This continuous involvement tones the abdominal muscles and helps eliminate the visceral fat usually found in bellies.

You need a consistent meal plan and a balanced diet for the best outcomes. Your workout routine should include a diet low in saturated fats, high in lean proteins, and complex carbohydrates with plenty of fiber.  You can also boost your fat belly loss with dietary supplements like extra green tea or bitter orange to heighten the results.

If you apply a higher speed to jump rope exercise, you burn more calories in a shorter time and attain greater weight loss.

Health Benefits Of Jumping Rope

how long should i jump rope to lose belly fat
Flattening the belly by jumping rope to eliminate tummy fat. Photo: baranq/Shutterstock

Losing belly fat is a continuous process that requires patience and dedication. When you follow the right tips, you will experience significant improvements as you sculpt your belly to the needed level. Without further ado, here are the benefits of jumping rope:

Entire Body Workout

Rope jumping works on different body muscles, leading to a calorie deficit from the workout routine. Jumping and swinging the rope engages your abdominals, hips, shoulders, thighs, and arms, activating multiple muscle groups.

Specifically, as you move your arms consistently, it leads to stronger muscular biceps and triceps. Abdominal strength is enhanced during each jump as the core muscles stabilize your entire body. Generally, jumping rope is a reliable fat-burning[1] exercise to help you attain a flat tummy.

Improves Bone Density

Rope jumping is a direct cure for specific health challenges like osteoporosis.[2]

Osteoporosis is a severe health complication that can weaken your bones, leading to bone fracturing. Thankfully, you can reverse such losses by rope jumping, which causes your bones to regain strength.

Synchronized swimmers are vulnerable to osteoporosis. A journal[3] indicated that rope jumping enhanced hip and backbone density in synchronized swimmers within 8 weeks.

However, you must consult your physician to prescribe the proper exercise schedule.

Enhances Balance And Coordination

Jumping rope is a perfect way to promote balance and coordination. As you swing the rope, your feet, eyes, and hands must coordinate to achieve the rhythmic jumping motion.

For you to experience repetitive movements, you are required to strike a balance between agility and rhythm.

Balance and coordination can benefit one in sports like athletics, dancing, climbing, and walking.

Promotes Heart’s Health

If you want to experience a strong heart and enhance cardiovascular health, jumping rope is the answer for effective exercise. What does this mean? First, jumping rope will improve your lung capacity, promote blood circulation, and boost your heart rate.

As you jump continuously, more blood and oxygen will enter the working muscles, leading to high respiratory and heart rates to handle the increased demands. Such measures strengthen your core, enabling you to exercise longer. Furthermore, you will lower the risk of heart disease.

Decreases Belly Fat

Reducing belly fat can be complicated for some individuals; however, the secret lies in using bodyweight exercises like rope jumping. Intensive exercise triggers a higher heart rate, burning fat and calories and causing you to lose weight.

When you eliminate extra fat, one of the things that becomes visible along your abdominal area is the muscles, making it more sculpted and flatter.

Stress Reduction

Rope jumping sessions offer diverse benefits, including stress reduction. How does that happen? During jumping sessions, your body releases endorphins, a mood elevator, to enhance your mental well-being.

As you perform repetitive and rhythmic movements, you focus on a single activity, shifting your thoughts from elements that promote stress. To enjoy a healthier mental state, you must apply this workout routinely and improve your mood.

Flexible And Affordable

For any gym lover who wants to flatten the tummy, rope jumping is an affordable and portable option. For instance, wrapping the rope in your bag and moving to any spot to begin performing your workout is convenient. It is a cheaper option because you will not require any specialized equipment before you use it.

How Long Does It Take To See Results From Jumping Rope?

How long should I jump rope to lose weight? The issue of jumping rope to expel fat varies from person to person. Seeing results depends on several factors, such as your workout duration. Suppose you want to fetch better results.

You need an intensive workout duration that ranges between thirty and sixty minutes. Furthermore, your workout intensity dictates the number of calories you burn. For example, a 130-pound woman jumping rope slowly for half an hour[4] will burn approximately 236 calories, while jumping fast will burn 351 calories.

The size of the skipping rope may also determine your results. For you to actualize quick results, a heavy rope is a must.

Finally, it would help if you ate properly to actualize better results. In addition to a healthy diet, using caffeine, ginger, L-carnitine, and high-quality proteins or a fat burner as dietary supplements will help you lose weight and achieve lean body mass.

Tips For Effective Jumping Rope Session

Warm-Up Up

Before you begin your jump rope exercise to lose weight, it is essential to warm up[5] to increase circulation and align your body to focus on the chosen activity. It is also a mental preparation platform to ensure your body and mind are prepared for your desire to succeed.

More importantly, warming up prepares your muscles against injuries. It will boost your muscle elasticity and promote efficient cooling after the exercise. Furthermore, you will raise your body temperature, helping them contract and relax as you perform strenuous exercise without struggling.

Performing warm-ups helps your body stretch properly, increases blood flow, and allows your body to increase flexibility.

Start Small

For beginners, you can gain small milestones by taking baby steps. What does this imply? Start this aerobic exercise by doing 5-10-minute sessions. As your stamina gets better, you are at liberty to increase the training duration.

Choosing a jump rope that matches your fitness level and body structure is vital. Apply extra skills and caution to minimize physical injuries in your routine training. For instance, you can bend your knees to avoid joint strain.

Always be consistent during your rope jumping sessions. As your fitness level improves, you can increase the training period to improve fat-burning goals.

Have The Correct Rope Size

A suitable rope size ensures minimal tripping and improves training sessions with great outcomes. Do appropriate exercises and add to your performance by using an appropriate rope for your size and height.

So, how will you discover the right size? Many fitness experts suggest a rope a foot longer than your height. Using the correct rope size boosts smoother rotations, enhances control, and makes skipping rope occasions more successful.

Work On Your Body Form

If you want desirable results, working on your body form is necessary to prevent injuries. Ensure every hop lifts your feet about an inch from the ground. Start your sessions by maintaining the correct posture, a relaxed shoulder, and an erect spine with abdominal muscles engaged as you jump.

Every time you jump, ensure a soft landing to absorb the impact. When swinging the rope, ensure your elbows and wrists remain close to your sides. Ensuring proper form makes your workout effective.

Add Some Rhythm

You can go at any pace while jumping rope. However, you can make it more enjoyable by adding rhythm. As a beginner, you should start with a slower rhythm to perfect timing and coordination. As you gain confidence, you can increase the pace while staying in command of the game.

You can use the timer to record the number of revolutions you can make per minute. For example, if you are comfortable with one hundred and eighty revolutions per minute, you can try another challenge to increase your pace to achieve more intense sessions effortlessly.

Be Consistent

Never give up if you miss a day to jump rope during your first encounter. Ensure you remain consistent until you perfect your errors during successive sessions. Have a routine that will agree with your fitness goals, leading to the sculpting of your belly. Gradually increase duration and intensity as your fitness level improves.

If you are practicing alone, consistency may be a challenge. If you cannot access the gym, try to get an accountability partner to make you more consistent. Fortunately, if you are getting personal training under your fitness coach, there is no doubt that you will remain effective and achieve more significant results.

Be Patient

Rope jumping is a challenging skill for any beginner, and it may take time before you perfect your moves. If it proves to be a frustrating exercise during your initial stages, apply patience as a motivating factor. You need more time to gain more skills to actualize this dream.

For example, you can prevent frustration by beginning with shorter sessions at a low intensity and increasing progressively. Practicing patience on your learning curve is a good idea.

With time, it will improve your rhythm and stamina. Ensure you celebrate small wins and embrace the process of getting huge victories over time.


If you are a victim battling to eliminate belly fat, jumping rope can be an option to obtain an optimal physique with a flat abdomen. However, when using a jump rope training program, you should set deliberate goals to eliminate this excess fat permanently.

First, begin with short sessions and gradually adjust duration, frequency, and intensity as your fitness level improves. Generally, dedication is critical to achieving optimal results. Getting a flat belly is not a walkover, as this fitness journey has a steep learning curve.

Get a fitness coach to help you implement all these tips you need to apply to lose this body fat. If you want to stay healthier by freeing fat in your belly, follow and practice all the tips in this write-up.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many jump ropes a day to lose belly fat?

Unfortunately, there is no particular figure on the number of jump ropes one may require to free belly fat. However, calories, intensity, and fitness level determine how fast you lose belly fat.

Will jumping rope reduce belly fat?

Jumping rope is a perfect cardio exercise that allows your entire body to generate heat and energy. Your body will burn fat to generate this heat. The more intense your workout is, the more fat you burn.

How long should I jump rope to lose lower belly fat?

Each individual may experience varying timeframes depending on certain variables. For instance, the length of your workout session each day will dictate how fast results emerge.

Can I lose weight in 2 weeks by jumping rope?

Setting a realistic workout plan to achieve better results without resorting to diet pills is advisable. Two weeks may not be a reasonable goal, as losing belly fat is gradual. You need to be consistent over time to see results.

Is jumping rope better than running?

There is no better option, as they all lead to muscle workouts. The only difference lies in convenience. For instance, in jumping rope, you only need a small space to begin your exercise, unlike running, which requires a remarkable field.

Does jumping rope bring any side effects on participants?

Some side effects of skipping rope are shin splints, which cause inflammation of muscles and tendons.

Which diet can supplement jumping rope to lose belly fat?

Use a balanced, hypocaloric diet to achieve maximum success. Avoid foods rich in refined carbohydrates and unhealthy fats that will add unnecessary calories to your body.

Should one combine other exercises with jumping rope for better results?

Combining a cardio workout routine with strength training is a good strategy. Ensure you have resources supporting your decision, including finances, space, or time.

+ 5 Sources

EHproject has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. We work mostly with peer-reviewed studies to ensure accurate information. We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy.

  1. M. Brennan Harris and Kuo, C. (2021). Scientific Challenges on Theory of Fat Burning by Exercise. Frontiers in Physiology, [online] 12. doi:
  2. Ha, A.S. and Johan (2017). Rope skipping increases bone mineral density at calcanei of pubertal girls in Hong Kong: A quasi-experimental investigation. PLOS ONE, [online] 12(12), pp.e0189085–e0189085. doi:
  3. Montse Bellver, Franchek Drobnic, Jovell, E., Ventura Ferrer-Roca, Ábalos, X., Luís Del Río and Antoni Trilla (2021). Jumping rope and whole-body vibration program effects on bone values in Olympic artistic swimmers. Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism, [online] 39(5), pp.858–867. doi:
  4. CALORIES BURNED PER HOUR. (n.d.). Available at:
  5. Park, H.-K., Jung, M.-K., Park, E., Lee, C.-Y., Jee, Y.-S., Eun, D., Cha, J.-Y. and Yoo, J. (2018). The effect of warm-ups with stretching on the isokinetic moments of collegiate men. Journal of exercise rehabilitation, [online] 14(1), pp.78–82. doi:


Rachel Rabkin is a freelance writer and, editor, journalist with extensive experience specializing in health and wellness, parenting, science, nutrition, pain management, and product safety content. For Parents, she has written stories on a range of… See More