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Bone Broth For Weight Loss: Does It Help You To Lose Weight In 2024?

bone broth for weight loss
Bone broth is a healthy concoction that has numerous benefits. Photo: ZAHRA22/Shutterstock

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Bone broth is a popular meal that is made by simmering animal bones and connective tissue in a mixture of water and vinegar, and seasoning. Some animal bones include pig, cow, turkey, lamb, and chicken. Based on its content, it is rich in essential nutrients and believed to offer various health benefits. But is it possible to use bone broth for weight loss?

This article will delve into the potential of bone broth as a weight-loss tool. We will explore the nutritional composition and health benefits of bone broth. We will see how to use bone broth for weight loss. Additionally, we will see how long it takes to see results from a bone broth diet.

Is Bone Broth Good For Weight Loss?

Bone broth is often associated with weight loss due to its protein content and low-calorie count. However, while it may help reduce calorie intake and promote fullness, it’s not a stand-alone solution for weight loss.

Weight loss relies on a balanced diet, regular exercise, and healthy lifestyle choices. The potential benefits of bone broth, such as improved joint and gut health, can also indirectly support weight loss efforts.

Bone Broth For Weight Loss: Why Is It Good?

Bone broth is not a new name when it comes to health remedies. In fact, it has been used for centuries in various cultures as a remedy for various ailments. A study[1] showed that the benefits of bone broth include relief from pain and inflammation.

It also helps to boost immunity and aid digestion. However, for people looking for answers to the question “How to lose weight?” bone broth can also help. So, is bone broth good for weight loss? Here is an overview of the benefits of the bone broth diet for weight loss:

Low In Calories

bone broth for weight loss
Calorie management is an important way to lose weight. Photo: Kamil Zajaczkowski/Shutterstock

The first step to weight loss is calorie intake. To lose weight, we need to consume fewer calories than our bodies expend. This calorie deficit can be achieved by either reducing calorie intake, increasing physical activity, or a combination of both. The standard guideline[2] for calorie reduction is generally to aim for a calorie deficit of 500 to 1000 calories per day.

Bone broth is relatively low in calories, making it a suitable replacement for higher-calorie beverages like sugary drinks or creamy soups. When consumed as part of a balanced diet, it can help reduce calorie intake. A lower calorie intake means better blood sugar control and less risk of conditions associated with weight gain like diabetes. So, head on down to local health food stores and see what options they carry; items such as dehydrated bone broth might be ideal for a survival kitchen.

Packed With Nutrients

Bone broth is one of the best nutrient-dense foods. Beef broth is particularly high in the amino acid glycine and has more collagen per gram of protein. The nutrient profile for bone broth is a fully packed option. Bone broth is a source of essential nutrients[3] like collagen,[4] gelatin, minerals,[5] and amino acids.

They have all the ingredients in your over-the-counter supplements or diet pills.  Here is an overview of the nutrients in a 100-gram serving of bone broth:[6]

  • Energy: 33 calories.
  • Protein: 4.17 grams.
  • Fat: 0.21 grams.
  • Iron: 0.15 milligrams.
  • Carbohydrate: 2.08 grams.
  • Sodium: 188 milligrams.

The combination of proteins, carbohydrates, and healthy fats is important for health and well-being. So, having them in bone broth can contribute to maintaining a healthy body composition.

High In Protein

Bone broth is a good protein source, which can have several benefits for people looking to manage their weight. The protein in bone broth includes collagen and gelatin. Collagen itself helps with weight loss, and a 2019 study[7] showed that oral ingestion of collagen from fish bones reduces fat in the body.

When you consume protein, it triggers the release of hormones that signal to your brain that you’re satisfied, which can help control your appetite. Including bone broth as part of a meal or as a snack can help you feel more satisfied and potentially reduce your desire for higher-calorie or less nutritious options.

Protein is essential for building lean muscle mass.[8] When you’re aiming to lose weight, it’s important to preserve your muscle mass while primarily losing fat. Consuming enough bone broth supports this goal by providing the necessary amino acids for muscle maintenance.

Better Metabolism

Bone broth contains amino acids, particularly glycine and arginine. They have a potential role in supporting metabolic processes,[9] and this can indeed be beneficial for weight loss. Glycine plays a critical role in various metabolic functions.

A study[10] showed that it improves the risk of having metabolic conditions like diabetes and obesity. Additionally, amino acid glycine[11] can support fat molecule breakdown, ultimately leading to weight loss.


A common advice for losing weight is to drink enough water. First, proper hydration can help with appetite control by preventing the confusion of thirst with hunger. Additionally, hydration supports the efficient functioning of metabolic processes.[12] Bone broth can be a valuable part of your hydration strategy, as it is primarily composed of water with added nutrients.

Better Gut Health

bone broth for weight loss
Great gut health can help you maintain a healthy weight. Photo: New Africa/Shutterstock

Bone broth can promote gut health[13] due to the glutamine content[14] in bone. A healthy gut can play a role in efficient digestion and nutrient absorption, which may indirectly aid weight management. When your gut health is good, you have a lesser chance of digestive issues that may lead to weight gain.

How To Use Bone Broth For Weight Loss

There are various weight loss diets. Common ones include green tea and juicing for weight loss. A bone broth diet can also be helpful in achieving your desired weight goals.

Starting a diet plan with the best bone broth for weight loss in your diet doesn’t have to be boring.  A common bone broth diet for weight loss includes drinking only bone broth alongside intermittent fasting.

There are various bone broth recipes for weight loss, like chicken or beef bone broth. To start with, you can drink it on its own as a beverage. But you can also use it as a base for soups, stews, and sauces with all the bone broth diet recipes available.

Additionally, you can use bone broth as a cooking liquid for weight-loss meals like quinoa and rice. Consuming bone broth with various types of bones like chicken, beef, and pork is even better. It can be customized with your favorite herbs and vegetables.

Best Time To Drink Bone Broth For Weight Loss

Do you know when to drink bone broth for weight loss? The timing of when you drink bone broth for weight loss can vary depending on your personal preferences and daily routine. Adding it first thing in the morning might be hard with a healthy breakfast. Instead, you can use bone broth as a base for soups, stews, and other dishes. This way, you can enjoy it as part of a balanced meal.

Drinking a cup of bone broth about 20-30 minutes before a meal may help reduce your calorie intake during that meal. The protein and nutrients in the bone broth also promote a feeling of fullness. Also, bone broth can be a good post-workout recovery drink due to its protein content and nutrients. It can help replenish lost fluids and provide essential amino acids.

Ultimately, the best time to drink bone broth for weight loss is when it fits into your daily routine and helps you manage your calorie intake and appetite. Remember that while bone broth can be a helpful component of a weight loss strategy, it should be combined with other healthy habits, such as regular exercise and a balanced diet.

How Long Does It Take To See Results From Bone Broth?

After starting with a bone broth diet, the next common question is, how long does it take to lose weight with it? In the short term, within days to weeks, you may see results. Bone broth is a hydrating beverage, so improved hydration could be one of the first things you notice.

Additionally, the protein in bone broth provides a sense of fullness, which helps control your appetite relatively quickly. Some people may also experience improved digestion and reduced bloating in this initial time frame.

However, when it comes to more significant changes like weight loss, the timeline generally extends to weeks or even months. The speed at which you see weight loss results can differ based on various elements, including your overall calorie intake, exercise routine, and metabolism.

Weight loss takes weeks to months and requires a full approach, combining bone broth with a balanced diet and regular physical activity to help you lose weight. Long-term benefits, such as improved joint health and skin condition, may become noticeable over several months to years.


You can make bone broth from scratch at home and enjoy it. Its varieties are delicious and have proven to be beneficial to your health. Also, thanks to its low-calorie count, high protein content, and nutrient-rich profile, bone broth can offer several benefits for your weight loss journey.

However, there’s no instant solution for instant weight loss. Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight involves a comprehensive approach that includes a balanced diet, regular physical activity, and lifestyle adjustments. You can add bone broth into the mix to boost your progress with weight loss.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it OK to drink bone broth every day?

Drinking bone broth every day can be part of a balanced diet. It’s a good source of nutrients, but too much may lead to excessive intake of certain minerals. Moderation is key.

How much bone broth should be drunk daily for weight loss?

For weight loss, aim for 1-2 cups of bone broth daily as a low-calorie, filling option. However, it’s important to maintain a balanced diet and exercise for effective weight loss.

Does bone broth speed up metabolism?

Bone broth alone won’t significantly speed up metabolism, but its protein content can support muscle growth and a slight boost in metabolic rate when combined with a healthy diet and exercise.

Can I drink bone broth instead of eating meals?

No, you can incorporate bone broth into your diet, but it shouldn’t replace all meals. It lacks essential nutrients found in a balanced diet. Use it as a supplement or snack.

What kind of bone broth is healthiest?

The healthiest bone broth is homemade using high-quality, organic bones. Avoid store-bought options with added sodium and artificial ingredients for the best nutritional benefits.

How do I know if my bone broth worked?

Successful bone broth should have a rich, flavorful taste and a gelatinous consistency when cooled, indicating the presence of collagen. It’s also nutritious when it meets your dietary goals.

+ 14 Sources

EHproject has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. We work mostly with peer-reviewed studies to ensure accurate information. We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy.

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Dr. Susan Adeosun (MPH, MD) is a medical doctor and public health enthusiast. She has over five years’ worth of experience in public health and preventive medicine and is a firm believer in the famous phrase… See More