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How To Get Caffeine Out Of Your System? Tips & More

Andrew Robert Shassetz

Reviewed by Dr. Drew Sutton, MD
how to get caffeine out of your system
There are many benefits to getting caffeine out of your system. Photo: Shutterstock

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Did you know that over 85% of U.S. adults consume caffeine daily[1]? From our morning coffee to energy drinks, caffeine is a constant companion. But what happens when we take in too much?

This could lead to caffeine overdose, manifesting symptoms like a racing heart and elevated blood pressure. Understanding how to get caffeine out of your system is the key to minimizing these effects.

Whether it’s reducing your excessive caffeine intake, increasing your water consumption (ever wondered how much water you should drink daily), or understanding the risks of serious caffeine overdose, we’ll guide you through practical methods. So let’s delve into caffeine consumption and explore how to regain control.

How To Get Caffeine Out Of Your System?

  • Hydrate
  • Embrace the outdoors
  • Deep Breathing
  • Feast on fiber
  • Play the waiting game
  • Cut down on caffeine
  • Moderation is your best bet

How To Get Caffeine Out Of Your System?  

Going through the ups and downs that often come with excessive caffeine in your system can seem like a Herculean task. However, the good news is that you can swiftly swing back control, and here’s how:


Water isn’t just for quenching thirst; it’s a lifesaver when dealing with caffeine intoxication. By diluting the caffeine in your bloodstream and accelerating its exit via urination, it’s like a fast-forward button for your body. Remember, though, the amount of water to drink daily isn’t one-size-fits-all; it should match your body weight and physical activity level.

Embrace The Outdoors

A quick stroll might not seem like much, but it can stimulate your metabolism, helping your body break down caffeine faster. Plus, the fresh air can do wonders for those caffeine-induced jitters.

Practice Deep Breathing

Deep breathing isn’t just for yoga sessions. It enhances oxygen flow, boosting your metabolism, and that, in turn, helps your body send caffeine packing quicker.

Feast On Fiber

Loading up on fiber-rich foods like whole grains, fruits, and veggies could slow your body’s caffeine absorption, reducing its impact on you.

Play The Waiting Game

Caffeine has an expiry date — typically a half-life of 5 hours. So, half of your caffeine consumption should bid you goodbye after this time. Just remember, patience is a virtue here.

Cut Down On Caffeine

The best defense is often a good offense. Limiting your caffeine intake can prevent a caffeine overload from happening in the first place.

Moderation Is Your Best Bet

It’s all about balance. You can enjoy your caffeinated beverages without the downside by watching your consumption. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration suggests sticking to around 200-300mg of caffeine daily or 2-4 cups of brewed coffee[2].

These strategies are perfect for those occasional caffeine overindulgences. But if you constantly feel like you’re on a caffeine high, it may be time to reevaluate your daily caffeine intake and consult a healthcare provider to ensure your health isn’t on the line.

Health Benefits Of Getting Caffeine Out Of Your System 

how to get caffeine out of your system
There are many benefits to getting caffeine out of your system. Photo: Shutterstock

Enhanced Sleep Quality

As a stimulant, process caffeine inhibits the action of adenosine – a molecule that promotes sleep in our bodies. Consequently, our internal clocks can experience a perturbation, leading to insufficient or poor-quality sleep. By dispensing with caffeine, we permit adenosine to act unhindered, fostering healthier sleep cycles.

Reduced Anxiety Levels

Following the thread further, another potential advantage of caffeine elimination involves the phenomenon of anxiety. More caffeine can exacerbate uncomfortable symptoms due to its stimulating effects on the nervous system. Therefore, significantly reducing or smoothing caffeine intake could decrease anxiety levels, improving well-being.

Avoidance Of Physical Dependency

Chronic caffeine consumption can lead to a dependence scenario, where the body starts craving its regular ‘fix.’ In addition, withdrawal symptoms, such as headaches, fatigue, and irritability, may be experienced upon sudden cessation. Therefore, saying goodbye to caffeine could help circumvent such physical dependency and associated withdrawal symptoms.

Improved Gastrointestinal Health

Additionally, abdication from caffeine might mitigate certain gastrointestinal discomforts. For example, as caffeine stimulates acid secretion in the stomach, individuals with acid reflux or stomach ulcers might witness improved conditions upon ceasing caffeine consumption.

How Much Coffee Is Too Much?

Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, offering that familiar burst of energy and alertness. However, you might notice adverse effects when your nervous system becomes overstimulated. The key, therefore, lies in understanding your caffeine threshold.

According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)[3], up to 400 milligrams of caffeine daily is safe for most healthy adults. This equates to about four cups of brewed coffee, ten cans of cola, or two energy-shot drinks. However, individuals may react differently to caffeine; some might experience side effects even with lower amounts.

It might indicate caffeine overload if you suffer from restlessness, insomnia, or a fast or irregular heartbeat. When you consume caffeine through coffee, tea, energy drink, and certain foods and medications could be the culprit.

Risks Of Having Excessive Coffee

What’s more, too much coffee can lead to a quickened heartbeat. Imagine your heart trying to keep pace with a high-speed drum roll.

In extreme cases, this could even become an irregular rhythm, like a drummer missing beats—an alarming situation for anyone, especially those with existing heart conditions.

Also, while coffee might be a morning ritual for its bowel-stimulating properties, an overdose might invite acid reflux or gastritis. That’s a rather high price for going overboard with your beloved brew.

Consuming excessively or late in the day might make your good night’s sleep a bit of a pipe dream.

Let’s not forget our bodies can get too attached to coffee. Regular, high consumption can lead to dependency. If you decide to skip your coffee day, withdrawal can be a real bear, often manifesting as headaches, fatigue, or mood swings.

While a cup of joe or two is a delight, overindulgence might not be the best idea. It’s like walking a tightrope—you need to balance. If you feel your coffee habit is tipping the scale, it may be wise to seek medical advice.


It’s clear that, while delightful, coffee can also give us a real jittery rollercoaster ride when taken in excess. But remember, health is a symphony, not a solo performance, and balancing our caffeine intake with habits like drinking water, maintaining a healthy diet, and getting enough sleep play key roles in our bodies.

So, while we savor the rich flavors of our favorite brew, let’s also remember to prioritize a holistic approach to health, ensuring that the joy of drinking coffee harmonizes seamlessly with other vital lifestyle choices.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take for the body to flush out caffeine?

It generally takes about 5 to 6 hours for half of the caffeine to be eliminated from the body. However, this can vary depending on age, liver function, and pregnancy status.

Can drinking water help eliminate caffeine in my system faster? 

Yes, drinking water can aid in eliminating caffeine as it helps maintain optimal body functions and can dilute the caffeine in the body, aiding in its removal through urination.

What symptoms might suggest I’ve consumed too much caffeine?

Overconsumption of caffeine may cause restlessness, insomnia, rapid heartbeat, nervousness, stomach upset, and even muscle tremors.

How much coffee is considered too much?

Limiting caffeine intake to less than 400 mg daily, equivalent to about 4 cups of brewed coffee, is generally recommended. Individual tolerance may vary.

Can physical exercise help eliminate caffeine from my system?

Exercise can indirectly help as it boosts your metabolism, which could speed up the elimination of caffeine. However, hydration is more important.

Are there notable perks that come with cutting down on caffeine?

Absolutely; reducing your caffeine intake could turn your sleep game around, bring a healthy balance to your blood pressure, and improve your digestive health. Plus, it frees you from the pesky withdrawal symptoms of caffeine dependence.

Are there any caffeine-free alternatives that can still boost my energy?

Yes, indeed! For those seeking to sidestep caffeine while still enjoying a rejuvenating beverage, herbal tea, decaffeinated coffee, or water laced with your favorite fruits could be a refreshing alternative without the caffeine kick.

Could an excess intake of caffeine have severe health implications?

In some rare instances, consuming exceptionally high quantities of caffeine can lead to caffeine intoxication, a serious medical condition. It’s always wise to stick to moderate consumption, and if in doubt, don’t hesitate to consult with a healthcare professional.

+ 3 Sources

EHproject has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. We work mostly with peer-reviewed studies to ensure accurate information. We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy.

  1. Cappelletti, S., Piacentino, D., Sani, G. and Mariarosaria Aromatario (2015). Caffeine: Cognitive and Physical Performance Enhancer or Psychoactive Drug? Current Neuropharmacology, [online] 13(1), pp.71–88. doi:https://doi.org/10.2174/1570159×13666141210215655.
  2. Office (2021). Spilling the Beans: How Much Caffeine is Too Much? [online] U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Available at: https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/spilling-beans-how-much-caffeine-too-much.
  3. Highly Concentrated Caffeine in Dietary Supplements: Guidance for Industry. (n.d.). Available at: https://www.fda.gov/files/food/published/Guidance-for-Industry–Highly-Concentrated-Caffeine-in-Dietary-Supplements-DOWNLOAD.pdf.


Andrew, a seasoned health coach and nutrition consultant, combines his expertise in traditional naturopathy and functional medicine with exceptional writing skills. Following a significant life change due to a car accident, he transitioned to freelance writing,… See More