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Does Your Nose Get Smaller When You Lose Weight? What To Know In 2024


Reviewed by Jocelyn Chen, BME
does your nose get smaller when you lose weight
Can your nose shrink from weight loss? Photo: Butsaya/Shutterstock

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There are many reasons why people may want to lose weight. These reasons can be health-related or cosmetic. Weight loss can lead to a slimmer figure and face, but it doesn’t guarantee a smaller nose. 

Does your nose get smaller when you lose weight? The short answer is no. 

Weight loss does not lead to a smaller nose. Likewise, weight gain does not lead to a larger nose. This article will offer suggestions for weight loss and ways to slim the appearance of the nose.

Does Losing Weight Make Your Nose Smaller?

No. While weight loss can reduce body and facial fat, your nose may not necessarily get smaller. This is mainly due to the anatomy of the nose. The nose contains mostly bones and cartilage, not muscle or fat.

Likewise, the nose is unlikely to get bigger with weight gain. Those who wish to reduce their nose size should consider other options such as plastic surgery or slimming makeup techniques.

Does Your Nose Get Smaller When You Lose Weight?

No. The nose is unlikely to change its size or appearance from weight loss. The nose is made up of mostly cartilage and bones,[1] neither of which are affected by weight loss.

The physical changes you may see from weight loss are due to a reduction in fat and muscle mass.[2] Many people engage in physical activity to lose fat and to ensure muscle is built rather than lost. Because the nose is mostly bones and cartilage, it is unlikely to change with weight loss or gain.

Still, it is advisable for anyone undergoing weight loss to exercise so that fat can leave the body. Additionally, maintaining a healthy weight requires a nutritious diet. You may also wish to ask a healthcare professional about taking fat burner supplements as well.

Weight Loss Effects On The Face 

Weight loss can slim the face as a whole, as fat and muscle in the face can be affected by a change in weight. Rapid weight loss, such as from bariatric surgery,[3] may significantly change a person’s appearance. Specifically, significant weight loss may give a more attractive, yet older, appearance.

Tips To Make Your Nose Look Smaller 

While losing weight does not affect your nose, there are other ways to reduce or change the appearance of your nose. 


To change the shape and size of your nose, you might consider one of two surgical procedures: a rhinoplasty or an alarplasty.

A rhinoplasty involves shaving down the bone in the ridge of the nose. This removes the dorsal hump. The procedure can change the size and shape of the nose, as well as the look of the face.

An alarplasty[4] removes cartilage and tissue from the nostrils. This alters the size and shape of the nostrils and can reduce the overall appearance of the nose.

Meet with a facial plastic surgeon to discuss the various options for surgically reducing your nose size. Discuss the possible side effects[5] and recovery time. After surgery, you may experience difficulty breathing, soreness, bruising, swelling, and nosebleeds.


does your nose get smaller when you lose weight
Contouring the nose can make it look slimmer. Photo: Kourdakova Alena/Shutterstock

Consider different makeup application techniques to reduce the appearance of your nose. Create a dark contour, or outline, around your nose with powder, bronzer, pencil, or concealer. Use makeup that is a few shades darker than your skin tone.

Once you have created a contour, blend well to create the visual illusion of shadowing that makes your nose appear smaller.


Rather than focusing on the nose, it can be helpful to emphasize other facial features that draw attention away from the nose. Style your hair so that it is full and curly. This will catch the eye of onlookers before they can notice your nose.

You may also choose to wear bold colors or jewelry that keep the attention away from the nose. Necklaces show off the neck and earrings frame the face.

Facial Exercises

does your nose get smaller when you lose weight
Face yoga can tone facial muscles. Photo: Pixel-Shot/Shutterstock

Facial exercises,[6] such as face yoga, may help tone the face and provide anti-aging effects. While these exercises may not target the nose, specifically, they can improve muscle tone in your face and reduce face fat

Experiment with different facial exercises to lose face fat and potentially tighten sagging skin. Reducing fat in your cheeks, minimizing wrinkles, or toning muscles in your chin may help you achieve your desired appearance. 

To achieve results, be patient and consistent. For best results, it is recommended to practice facial exercises daily for 30 minutes for at least 20 weeks.


Embrace your nose just as it is. Noses come in all shapes and sizes. Each nose is beautiful in its own way and provides a unique look to the individual. Healthy living includes emotional well-being and that involves self-acceptance and confidence in oneself. 


With weight loss, facial fat can be lost and facial muscles can be toned. However, a person’s nose will not get smaller when they lose weight. 

Weight loss is more notable in areas of the body where there is adequate fat and/or muscle. In contrast, the nose is made from mostly bone and cartilage with very little fat and muscle. 

While weight loss may not change the size or shape of the nose, there are other options if you want to change your nose. These include facial exercises, surgery, and makeup techniques that contour the nose. However, it is also important to accept one’s appearance and embrace your uniqueness and beauty.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I slim my nose?

Surgery such as alarplasty can reduce the size of your nostrils, making the nose shorter in width. A rhinoplasty can reduce the curve of your nose from top to bottom.

Why did my nose get smaller?

It is possible that your nose can change over time due to natural aging. However, it is unlikely that your nose will get smaller from weight loss, specifically.

Does losing weight slim your face?

Yes, it can. The face has many muscles and contains fat. This means your face can slim from weight loss.

How can I reduce my nose size naturally?

Facial exercises may help tone facial muscles, making the nose appear smaller. You can also use makeup and styling techniques to minimize the nose’s appearance.

Why did my cheeks get smaller but not my nose?

Any area of the body or face that contains fatty tissue or muscle can be affected by weight loss. However, the nose, specifically, has very little muscle and no fat. It is mostly cartilage and bone.

Will my nose get bigger if I gain weight?

This is unlikely. Nose size does not respond to weight fluctuations. Just as your nose will not get smaller if you lose weight, gaining weight will not cause your nose to get bigger, either. 

Should I have surgery to make my nose smaller?

This is a personal decision. However, it’s helpful to know that any nasal surgery, such as rhinoplasty surgery and alarplasty surgery, is not reversible. You should discuss this with a plastic surgeon to understand the risks and possible side effects.

How long does it take for facial exercises to work?

This will vary from person to person. However, studies have shown that 30 minutes of facial exercises done daily for 20 weeks can yield significant results.

+ 6 Sources

EHproject has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. We work mostly with peer-reviewed studies to ensure accurate information. We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy.

  1. Cancer.gov. (2023). Nose, Nasal Cavities, & Paranasal Sinuses | SEER Training. [online] Available at: https://training.seer.cancer.gov/anatomy/respiratory/passages/nose.html.
  2. Cava, E., Nai Chien Yeat and Mittendorfer, B. (2017). Preserving Healthy Muscle during Weight Loss. Advances in Nutrition, [online] 8(3), pp.511–519. doi:https://doi.org/10.3945/an.116.014506.
  3. Vardan Papoian, Mardirossian, V., Hess, D.T. and Spiegel, J.H. (2015). Effects of Bariatric Surgery on Facial Features. Archives of Plastic Surgery, [online] 42(05), pp.567–571. doi:https://doi.org/10.5999/aps.2015.42.5.567.
  4. Agrawal, K., Mansi Pabari and Raghav Shrotriya (2016). A Refined Technique for Management of Nasal Flaring: The Quest for the Holy Grail of Alar Base Modification. Archives of Plastic Surgery, [online] 43(06), pp.604–607. doi:https://doi.org/10.5999/aps.2016.43.6.604.
  5. NHS Choices (2023). Nose reshaping (rhinoplasty). [online] Available at: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/cosmetic-procedures/cosmetic-surgery/nose-reshaping-rhinoplasty/.
  6. Alam, M., Walter, A.J., Geisler, A., Wanjarus Roongpisuthipong, Sikorski, G., Tung, R. and Poon, E. (2018). Association of Facial Exercise With the Appearance of Aging. JAMA Dermatology, [online] 154(3), pp.365–365. doi:https://doi.org/10.1001/jamadermatol.2017.5142.


A health coach specializing in Integrative Nutrition, I approach wellness with a holistic and functional medicine perspective. As a writer, I simplify intricate topics such as nutrition, gut and hormone health, mental well-being, and spiritual health,… See More